Google Chrome browser has many features and many people use this browser. But still many people don’t about its important hidden features. If you know about these features, you can work more productive. This post explains 3 Important Chrome Browser Hidden Features.


1. Copy links to Highlight

When you read the lengthy content website page and you would like to send the particular content section on that page to your friends. In this situation you can just select the section and right-click then select the “Copy link to highlight” link, it will be copying the link with highlighted section.

Now you can send the link to your friends by email or WhatsApp. When your friends click on the links to open the page, it will be directly open the page with highlighted section.


2. Tab Search

If you open the multiple tabs on your google chrome browser, then you can’t easy to find the particular tabs. In this situation, you can just use the Tab search feature to move the particular tab.


Go to the Tab bar, here you can find the “down arrow”, click on this it will be open the Tab search window. in this window shows the all-opened tab as well as the recently closed tab. if you would like to move a particular tab you can just search the Tab name and filter the particular Tab.


3. Task Manager

Google Chrome Task Manager helps to find the process of browser usage. It means the Task manager will show the CPU usage and memory used for the web pages. If you find some web pages used high memory or high CPU usage, then you can terminate the page by selecting the webpage and clicking on the End process. This will close the tabs and free up the memory usage.



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