Newsletter is most important for every business to notify new features in their customer. Many Free CMS websites available with Newsletter module, in this newsletter module has predefined HTML template. Website owner can use this template to send newsletter to their customers, but still some people using simple and static websites, in this people would like to send the email from Microsoft outlook. In this post explain how to embed the HTML files and send the mail to everyone.
embed html template in outlook

Option: 1. Embed HTML file in Outlook Email client

You can insert the HTML template in Microsoft outlook by using following steps:


  1. Open your outlook and click New Email button
  2. In the new email window, by default message tab will be selected
  3. Click the Attach File button under include sections
  4. attach html file in outlook

  5. Insert File window will be open, select your html files
  6. In the Insert button, click on the down icon to open menu
  7. Select the Insert as Text link
  8. insert html in outlook

  9. Now your HTML file will be include in your email content area

If you would like to modify the email template text, you can modify and send the mail to others. Please be note your HTML template should be developed based on Email embed template standards.


Option: 2. Embed HTML template using Outlook apps

If you would like to add the HTML template in your outlook with more features than you can use the Bells & Whistles apps.

  1. Download and install the Bells & whistles plugin in your computer (Close your outlook if it is already running while install the app will be notify to close)
  2. After install the Apps start Outlook and click to new email button
  3. New email window will be open, select Bells & Whistles tab
  4. Click Insert HTML button to load your HTML files

Now your HTML template will be insert in to email content area, you can update template content and send to anyone. Please be note this app is premium version only but if you buy this app you can easy to modify the templates.


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