This is the story of Samantha. Samantha is a 29 years old married lady who used to be free for hours after her husband and kids leave for office and school respectively. Witnessing the magnitude of free time that she could utilize in something productive she decided to start taking freelance projects on digital marketing mainly social media management. Samantha bags a Bachelor’s in English literature degree too that has bestowed to her good writing skills that she thought of utilizing in her newly started freelance venture.
The idea wasn’t farfetched, so she embarked on making a website design through a web builder. She gathered all the necessary information that her mind could process and uploaded it to the newly constructed website, but to her dismay, she wasn’t getting enough projects through this website. So she sat down thinking what she had done wrong that is not persuading enough for the online visitors to consider her for their projects by filling a lead or just by staying on the website for information gathering purpose. She couldn’t figure out the fallbacks of her website design!


Samantha’s story is just a speck of dust in the galaxy of similar stories, where budding business owners set up their online presence thinking they achieved a milestone towards profound business success but the reality just tear their good spirits apart. Setting up websites for online businesses is one hell of a stepping stone for entrepreneurs to achieve but when the website fail to bring in results that were expected, they miserably fall into the pits of dismay. To let entrepreneurs not fall off from the bandwagon of their raging motives, we decided to come up with few factors that could really help them in setting up websites that are tuned to convert visitors to leads. Let’s see how?


Your website design

Probably one of the most important elements that persuade an online visitor to stay on your website is the design. Imagine going to a restaurant that offers none of your favorite food, but it delights you with its aesthetically pleasing ambiance. This aura that it creates by amalgamating its décor with other setup insists you stay for a little while more and during all this, you make up your mind to try out this new dish that you have never eaten before.


Exactly similar is the case with websites. Even if the online business is completely irrelevant to what the online visitor is looking for, but if the website succeeds in conveying that delightful feeling through its design, consider your work half done right away. An aesthetically pleasing website design that is garnered with relevant visuals to ease in sending the message across goes a long way when it comes to converting visitors to leads for your business and is considered the most important tool for the said job to be done appropriately.


About us page

The very next in line is the about us page. Whenever an online visitor lands on our website, irrespective of the fact that he is aware of your business or not, he clicks on the about us tab to see what you are all about. The critical part lies here, without even telling, you can tune the subconscious mind of your online visitor on the path of conversion through your about us page. The key lies in the information that the page provided to the reader. Targeted information that touches the pain points of the reader opens up a direct opportunity for a visitor converting to a lead.

About us, pages are not necessarily just plain text and few visuals. About us, pages can be extremely interactive too. Here is an example:

This creatively designed about us page has nailed all the elements in the right spaces. Right from the page design to the flow of information and use of visuals, Chebuono foods has definitely put an exemplary about us page for the reference of all online businesses on how to create remarkably intuitive and aesthetically pleasing about us page designs.


Awards and Testimonials

The awards and testimonials on a web design build the online credibility of the brand. Irrespective of how trusted your brand is within your industry, a new prospect is always ambiguous about the service he is going to get from you, therefore create touch points for him that brings him in to the relaxed mode and allow him to trust your business offerings and there is no better way to do it than inculcating awards that you have received on your past performances and service deliveries along with client testimonials. Appreciating words that come from a former client builds trust among new customers by folds. Pages that lack awards or client testimonials are often the ones who lag behind in terms of online lead generations.



The list of factors that can help increase your online conversions is literally never-ending. With the changing techniques, tricks to increases online conversions are evolving and web design companies are busy in tracking those down and relay the benefit to their clients. However, the ones that I mentioned here do contain viable importance and can be of great help for novice business owners who want to provide momentum to their online leads conversion rate.


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