Everyone very well-known Android is King of Mobile Operating system, already more than millions Android app available in app store. Now Google tight up their standards for to create new apps, then only they can allowed uploading to Google Play store. If not meet the requirement android standards then app will be rejected from Play store. Android icon is most important for apps approval, so you must create apps icons with Android standards. This post explains how to create best android icons for all resolution devices with android standards.

android icon generator
Some designer still straggle with create multiple size of android icons with standards. Why because typically android app needs different resolution size of icons for set all size mobile devices. In this case they are designed different sizes manually for high quality icons. Following steps will easier to make android icons for all resolutions.

  1. Create 512 x 512 pixel size icons using Adobe Photoshop or GIMP with Android standards
  2. After created the icon save to PNG file format with transparent background
  3. Log on MakeAppicon online android icon generator tool
  4. Upload your icon file
  5. android icon generator

  6. After 5 to 10 seconds your icon will be generated with all android resolution such as MDPI, LDPI, HDPI, XHDPI, XXHDPI, XXXHDPI
  7. You can download directly from browser by right click to save all resolution files or you can drop your email id to download all icons from your inbox.
  8. MakeAppicon will email to you all Android standard resolutions icons

Now you can rename icon files and move your apps appropriate size folder. MakeAppicon will generate all icons without loss any icons quality.


iOS App Icons

MakeAppicon online tool by default generate Android and iOS icons with all resolutions. If you make iPhone app you can use iOS icons. All this icons complete standards for iPhone app without loss any quality.


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